miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Hi classmates! How are you? For my new post I have to talk about my hobbies, I don´t really have like a real hobbie but I’m ejoy doing a lot of stuffs!
When I have free time I love watch T.V with my sister we really like the “telenovela” Martín Rivas, you can see this show on “TVN” at 8 pm o’clock it’s the best telenovela ever! I don´t thik this really help to shape my personality but I enjoy a lot watching it.
My real “hobbie” it’s spend time with my friends, I love it! You have so many good times of laughs and happiness! You can do so much stuffs with your friends and they never gonna judge you, you can make funny videos (that’s really funny), one day we make a 2.0 version for the video that show in the cinema “like your movie” (a video to stop piracy), really everything with your friends it’s really really funny! Don’t you think? I think that doing this stuff (videos, etc) my personality became more versatile, and make me have less shame. The other day I was with my friends and we talk like for two hours.. of our adventures at the university! We Ate pizza and take a few drinks… that’s are moments that I think we will remember when we start getting older, maybe when we came grandmothers and stuffs.
Another thing i really love it’s going party! You have such a great time and you can know a lot of interesting people and you have a lot of funny histories!
Well I hope you know a little bit more of me! But I’m a box full of surprise (you know)
See you later!

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


The night of the earthquake i was in Brazil with part of my family. We knew about the earthquake on Saturday, the day that we should come back to Chile. It was 9 am when we came to my parents bedroom and my mom said "there was an earthquake in Chile!, Chile was destroyed…my parents were so much worried because my two brothers were in Chile alone.. we went to the airport but the chilean's airport was closed because of the damage so we have to stay in Rio. We talked with my brothers on Sunday and everything was all right, at least, in our home and family, but the south of Chile was in a "chaos". We have to stay in Brazil for 5 days, in the airport of Rio there was a lot of people who have to back to Chile, the people begun to "accumulate" in the airport because they don't have more money. We come back the next Thursday and since that day the situation come more "regular". I didn’t live an earthquake yet, but I guess that is just a matter of time to happen.

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

My first time

Hello Classmates! This is the first time that I wrote in a blog I’m super nervious, ahaha kidding. I'm Trinidad, i'm studing phisycal therapy and I really really love it, i'm 18 years old and my birthday it's 8 of july! so you have to great me hahaha. I hope this blogs let us know more eachother and keep us in touch when we finish the university. You are a great class! I have really good time whit you and i hope that you are enjoying too.

Good Luck in everything! Bye.