domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

STRESS? What is that?

“STRESS” have you heard that Word? Obviously, who doesn’t right? … And even more when you are in the university… the world of the stress came to you! And it will never live you if you don’t know how to handle it… there is a lot of advices that you can do for that, yoga it’s a great thing that you can do to relax yourself! When I was younger I do a lot of yoga with my mom, and was really cool! You can forget of everything and it also help you can clear your head and ideas and improve your elongation jaja, I really recommend it and if you don’t have time… I don’t know!

I never have been a “stressful girl”, never! Because I take my life reallyyyyyy relax, but this year that became more difficult, with all the tests, controls and everything! But I guess that compared with other people this year I have not been stress for more than one day or less and the feeling of that… horrible! I can’t understand people who live their whole life stressful, how can the tolerate that?

I really don’t know what is the feeling of be like “super stressful”, the closer feeling it is being “tired-stress” and what I need to stop that feeling is laugh, a lot of that, and a nice sleep! That can cure all my problems, until now at least… maybe in the future I became a stress person... who knows, but now that is a feeling that I prefer keep really away from me!

I hope you are a relax people too! see you!

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Could I sleep and learn at the same time!? :D

Hello everyone! This blog will be about something really complicated, Neuroscience.
- This information is taken from the book “The birth of a learning science”, chapter six the part of “Learn while you sleep” -
This part of the book part saying that it would be really nice if you can learn while you are sleeping, says that the original idea of this came from science fiction.
In World War II people thought that this could be really helpful for the spies, because they can learn any language and information of someone while they were sleeping.
Have been made lots of test, from different scientifics to different people, and the results was not very convincing (only one of twenty kids remember the book that was reading for them while they were sleeping), there are other studies using EEG (encephalogram), to know when the person was in a “light sleep” (when they just go to sleep or more in the morning), but this also didn’t say too much. It also says that in case of anesthetic, some people had remembers of the surgery.
Anyway, there is no reliable evidence that says that you can learn while you sleep. But says that if you study something before you go to sleep, this will help to consolidate your knowledge

I think this is a very interesting theme, because there is nothing sure about the knowledge of the brain and his operation, so everything is bases on someone’s believes or interpretation plus the results of the experiments. In this case I’m not really sure about the conclusion reached, because the experiment didn’t convince me, because in some cases exist people that remember something, maybe not all, but something is something; and that has to mean something isn’t?
I really hope in a few years we can know more about this!
See you!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010


Hi classmates and teacher! Today I will talk about a healthy lifestyle
But first What does it mean “healthy lifestyle”?… for me is a type of lifestyle where you have to be like 100% comfortable and feeling great with your body. And also you have to have a great alimentation and do sport. Some ones recommend that you have to do at least three times a week sport between half or one hour every day, that will help you have a healthier lifestyle. Like I said, a great alimentation (I mean eating lots of fruits, vegetable and fiber, less fat and carbohydrates, etc). A life without smoking and without be abusive with drugs can help you have a healthy lifestyle and feeling great with yourself.
But in this time is it possible to have a healthy lifestyle?
I think that now, in the XXI century it is very difficult due to all the high level of junk food (that is so good, don’t you think?) and the price of them, with all the costs that you have today like children, schools, universities, etc (in the parents case) it is so more cheap buy fried chicken with fried potatoes and a coke than buy vegetables or fish with a natural juice and also is so more easy to prepared. Stuff like this have done that the overweight in children increase in the lasts decades. But I think that if you want to have a healthy lifestyle I think that it is possible to have an excellent alimentation, I know that it will cost a little more but it will be worth it.
Another think that it is difficult to make in this time it is to do sports, with all the hectic life there is almost not time to make any sport, and less three times a week. But IF YOU WANT IT, YOU CAN. I know it is possible, you have to try harder if you think you can’t. If you want it you have to intending and you will see results! Good luck with a new healthy lifestyle! Now… I’m going to play sports and then I will eat a nice plate of salad. kitting I already do that! I hope you too!