martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Good bye?!.. nooooo

I have to say it! I’m really happy because we are getting closer to the end of the year! How cool is that… this year is all new for me, but I really like it, I love physical therapy. I hope I pass all my classes, and not only me, also all my partners!

This is my last post ¡finally! (in a good way really)… I been in English all this year ( in level 3 and now in 4), I think the blogs are really helpful for a lots of things (it’s a really nice idea) , you can improve a lot your redaction in English and it can also make you think in English… and you can talk about a lot of things, and this, I think, can help you to like “liberate” yourself in a way, because you can talk about everything you want ( in some posts) and you can express your opinion or whatever you want to.

Also in this level of English I think that you learnt a lot of technical language in your area (not specifically physical therapy, but in the interaction with you and your patient) and I think that this will help you in some occasions… like what happens if maybe you treat someone who doesn’t talk Spanish… you can talk to him/her in English and that will make feel your patient more comfortable, the patient will have more confidence with you as his/her physical therapist and it will be a “full package”. This is a really plus in the moment physical therapist/patient time.

This will be the last time I wrote in this blog, but I hope that this not be the last time I communicate with you ( my partners of English and with Mrs. Carroza), this is a good class and I hope we keep in touch!, I know we will.

See yoooou! (whenever you want) :D

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