miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010


Hi classmates! Today is our last blog! Finally! I’m really happy, not because English will finish, but because this will give us more free time :D don’t you think? And I want to say that Francisca is a psycho. I realized of this en English, so for that tanks English.
Today I will talk about my experience in English, in the blog time.
I have to say that I never used a blog before this, so a learned a lot about blog stuff, like make friends, do post, comments, etc. I think that do the blog help us a lot, like in the “write area” and it can help you in the grammatical, but not in the spoken area, but exist other instances for talk. For me the blog help you a lot, to express your self in English about deferent themes, and alsa make you an opinion about somethigs. You also can know things of your classmates that in other occasions are difficult to know and if you still having the blog can help you keep in touche with your partners when we finish English or even the university. But I don’t know if I will still writing, it depends of a lot of things.
Theres one thing that I want to recommend on the “blog seccion” it’s that I think that the blog it’s not necessarily to be done in class, you can do it in your home and I think theres nothing different because you can used “word reference” if you don’t know how to say something. In that way English could be once a week and not two, and you will have more time for studding, for example.
That’s my opinion I hope English implement my suggestion.
See you classmates! I really enjoy your company, and I hope the next semester we still together!!

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010


Hello classmates! How are you? It’s raining! ... Today I will talk about my future...this it’s really rare because I really don’t know how it’s going to be my future.. but I have an idea as I want it to be. In 7 seven years from now I don’t know if we are going to exist, because of the legend of 2012. Maybe this could be the end of the world or may not, so I don’t know if study now will help me in my future, because I’m not sure if it is going to be a future! Are you nervous with 2012?
If the world doesn’t come to and end I see myself working as physical therapy, and enjoying my life a 100%. I want to travel a lot, and if I can I will love know the all world! My perfect work will be one who let me do all the things I love to do that has nothing to do with physical therapy, but without leaving behind my physical therapy side. I think that in that time I will be working in more than one place. I see myself working in a hospital, in the neurological area, maybe in the “Teletón”, or some place where you can help people who has neurological problems, like paralysis and stuff. I don’t know if I keep this decision of neurological area, but for know this is what it’s motivated me.
Another thing a really want to do that has nothing to do with physical therapy it’s open a Bar, so I hope see you there when my bar it’s ready!
See you partners!

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Be Healthy! :)

Hello! How are you? Today i will talk about education and prevention in health care… I think this is really important, because if you don’t do it you can transmit illness to anyone who is close to you, your family friends, and even a person in the subway. Be careful with domestic things can change a lot the possibilities of getting sick, or transmit it.
If you don’t want to get a slight cold, grandmothers said that you have to put a onion in your bedroom, in this way the bacterium will go to the onion, and not in to your body. Another way of take care of you and your family it’s cleaning your hands always before you will eat, in that way you will be save of get a lot of illness that came with being unhygienic, you can wash every food that you will eat and doing that you can avoid a lot of sickness that came with eating food that it’s not clean.
Another way of protect your self and your family it’s to get vaccinated against sickness that are contagious that have vaccinate.
There are a lot of supplements that can help your immune system and your lymphocytes can fight better against the bacterium and virus.
When people do sports, his immune system became stronger, and that will help them be more healthy (and happy).
Well this are little thing that you can do, if you want to be healthy… put the onion really works! Try…and then you tell me what happened. See you!

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Male or Female?

Hello classmates!
Today I will talk about gender roles. In the past the male role and the female role was really defined the men provides money and the woman take care about the house and the children’s… for so many years this was like that, that the society accustomed to that and stay like that for a long of time, but something happens in the woman that they want more things! They want education, they wanna “get out of the kitchen”, more participation in the politics,etc. With a lot of “fights” with the society and finally get more alternatives.
Today the role male-female are more equalized, almost there is no difference between women an men, but in some places steel been like a kind of “discrimination” to the women, like men managers win more money than women manager just because the are men, but I thin that this will change soon.
In my mager (physical therapy) there is a little of discrimination, especially in the spots area (like football), one of my classmates (Andrea Biskupovic) wants to be a sport physical therapy (for now) and one day she ask to the teacher if there is a lot of women in the football area of physical therapy, the teacher said that there are not! That it’s really difficult that you as women can work in the football area. This is discrimination that you as women has to suffer just for be woman, but I think with the time this things will stop and it’s going to be complete equally.
See you class!