domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Nice Food

Hello! Here we are again! Are you enjoying your university life? Too much study? Or too much party?
Today i have to talk somethign that i really like, and i guess tath everyone like it! I didn’t know a person who doesn’t like this subjetc yet... and the theme is “food”... could be anything more enjoyable than food? ... I have to said first that my diet it’s a little bit different than the most of the people, i don’t eat meat, i’m vegetarian.. i don’t eat fish and things like that.. i’m only eat eggs, milk and cheese. I been vegetarian like for almost 3 years and i’m really happy with my choice, i feel my body diferent but in a good way.
My favorite food... i really don’t have like a favorite plate, but i enjoy eating a lots of things, like a lot of tipe of salad, noodles (with a nice sauce) and believe it or not i love lentils with ketchup... since i have memory that it’s one of my favorite dishes!
I don’t know a lot of places when you can buy nice vegetarian food, but once i went to restaurant call “El Huerto” and it was really jummy! You must go to try that place it’s really nice and really healthy...
Hope you like my post see you! Have a nice week! :D

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